Thursday, April 15, 2021

The Missing Piece to Achieve my Deeply Held Desires

Whenever I say I'm setting my mind to do something, the universe seems puts up blocks. Those barriers often come to me by way of my own vacillating moods or energy levels, as well as larger more, "universal" themes. When that happens, I have a choice. I can back down and forget about it or I can continue to forge ahead despite the blocks and boundaries. I suppose the universe is acting as a gatekeeper. For example, if I've said that what I really want to do is to write a bestselling book that helps a lot of people, I am sure I wouldn't be alone in that statement. What would happen if the universe unilaterally opened the gates to everyone, giving them all full access VIP passes? Right, a mob scene, maybe even a stampede, would ensue. So the universe, as a wise parent, is requiring a little bit of work from us before giving out that allowance.

I am at the stage now in life where I am seriously trying to confront those blocks. Firstly, by not viewing them as blocks at all, but tests that I must pass in order to get to the next level. When we were in school, we didn't go from first grade to second by failing all of our tests. So why should this be any different?

I tell myself and anyone else who is in this situation, "Do not become discouraged, try and try again. Eventually you will find the correct answer. And the gates will open, one by one. Above all, once you start gaining momentum, don't fear that things will shut down again. Just keep doing your best to progress through all the steps. And remember, the universe is still writing the curriculum, you are just learning to master it."

The Missing Piece to Achieve my Deeply Held Desires

Whenever I say I'm setting my mind to do something, the universe seems puts up blocks. Those barriers often come to me by way of my own ...